
Rules of Behavior

These Rules define the norms of behavior of visitors in the UMMC Arena (hereinafter - the facility) when attending cultural, entertainment, sports and other events with mass attendance of people (hereinafter - events).

1. General Provisions:
1.1 Visitors are citizens who have arrived at the object with an admission ticket, season ticket, invitation, other documents of the established sample, and are not associated with the organization and provision of the event. 1.2 Entry to the object implies acceptance and voluntary fulfillment by visitors of these Rules, valid during the whole time of their stay at the object. 1.3 Violation of these Rules by visitors is a reason for the organizer of the event and the administration of the object to deny the violator access to the object during the event, or his expulsion from the object without reimbursement of the cost of admission tickets and expenses incurred.

2. Visitors have the right to:
2.1 If you have admission tickets, passes, invitations, other documents of the established sample, enter the facility before and during the event. The time of the beginning of the entrance to the event is determined by the organizer of the event and the administration of the object. The number of passes of the visitor to the object during the event in the presence of an entrance ticket, season ticket, other types of documents is determined by the organizer of the event and the administration of the object. 2.2 To use all services provided by the administration of the object (checkroom, buffets, cafes, toilets, etc.) and the organizers of the event. 2.3 Take amateur photos and videos if their use is not prohibited by the organizer of the event.

3. Attendees are required to:
3.1 Present entrance tickets, subscriptions, invitations, other documents authorizing the right to enter the facility to the employees carrying out control and pass regime. 3.2 At the entrance to the facility to undergo a personal inspection and provide personal belongings for inspection. In case of refusal to undergo a personal inspection, the administration of the facility reserves the right not to admit the person to the event. 3.3 Occupy the seats on the stands according to the entrance tickets, season tickets and invitations. 3.4 Follow the lawful orders of the organizer of the event, the administration of the venue, law enforcement officers and fire brigade. 3.5 Treat the property of the venue with care and keep it clean. 3.6 Report to the facility administration and law enforcement officials about cases of suspicious objects, smoke or fire, offenses in progress, other security threats. 3.7 Behave in a respectful manner towards the participants of the event, attendants, officials. 3.8 When receiving information about evacuation, act according to the instructions of the administration and law enforcement officers.

4. Visitors are prohibited from:
4.1 Attend events without tickets or other documents for the right to enter (unless otherwise provided by the organizer of the event or the administration of the facility). 4.2 Enter the venue with civilian, service, combat and edged weapons, special means, poisonous substances. 4.3 Carry and use flares, firecrackers, laser devices, sound amplifiers, horns, whistles of any size and made of any materials, radios, air cannons and pyrotechnics that may lead to smoke, ignition and other negative consequences. 4.4 Enter the territory and stay on the territory in the state and with obvious signs of alcoholic, narcotic or other toxic intoxication. 4.5 Bring alcoholic beverages, drinks in glass containers, narcotic and toxic substances. 4.6. 4.6 Smoking in places where it is prohibited by the administration of the facility and the current legislation of the Russian Federation, use electronic cigarettes and other smoking devices with smoke simulation. 4.7. Carry bulky objects and hand luggage. 4.8. 4.8 Violate public morals and norms of behavior. Allow shouting or other actions that offend human dignity and public morality, use profanity. 4.9 Behave in a provocative, threatening manner towards visitors and participants of the event, endanger the life and safety of themselves, other persons, or endanger anyone in any way whatsoever. 4.10. Apply or display signs or symbols aimed at inciting racial, national, religious and social hatred. Conduct religious or other propaganda activities. 4.11. Stay during the event in the passageways, on the stairs, interfere with the movement of participants and visitors, stand on the chairs, jump, organize imitation of illegal actions while on the stands, climb on the fences, parapets, lighting devices, masts, supporting structures, cause damage to the property of the object and visitors. To appear on the arena, stage, as well as in athletes' dressing rooms, make-up rooms, referees' rooms and other service and technical rooms of the facility without the permission of the administration of the facility. 4.12. Damage the equipment, technical means and life support systems, elements of the decoration of the facility, other equipment, green areas. 4.13. To put inscriptions and stick up announcements, posters and other information products without the approval of the administration. 4.14. To come to the venue with animals, unless this is provided for by the nature of the mass event and agreed with the organizer of the event and the administration of the venue. 4.15. Conduct any political and public actions not agreed with the organizer and the administration of the facility. 4.16. To trade, distribute in any way products of advertising, souvenir, political, religious and racist nature (including posters, leaflets, booklets) without the written permission of the administration of the facility. 4.17. To sell, distribute in any way products of advertising, souvenir, political, religious and racist nature (including posters, leaflets, booklets) without the written permission of the administration of the facility. 4.17. To carry out speculative or unauthorized trade (resale) of entrance tickets and invitations to the event. 4.18. Use rude, obscene, offensive expressions, gestures, political slogans, as well as use threats and intimidation of other visitors, participants of events, employees of the Institution.

5. On the days of mass skating events
5.1 The visitor of the skating rink himself determines for himself and his child the possibility of visiting the ice complex based on physical well-being and health condition. 5.2 Purchase of a ticket for a skating session confirms that the visitor agrees with the rules set out below. 5.3 Children under 3 years of age are not allowed for mass skating on the ice field. 5.4 Children under 8 years old are allowed to skate on the ice rink only when accompanied by adults. 5.5 Movement on the ice is carried out in a counterclockwise circle. 5.6 It is necessary to observe the speed limit: do not skate at high speed and do not interfere with others. 5.7 Visitors are obliged to leave the ice field during ice cleaning and during the technical break on the signal of warning. The warning signal is music that stops. Be attentive and careful on the ice! It is forbidden:

  • Skate against the main flow of people (clockwise).
  • Perform figure skating elements during mass skating.
  • Smoking on the ice rink and adjacent areas.
  • Being on the ice rink in a drunken state, bringing food and drinking alcoholic beverages.
  • Go out on the ice under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
  • Enter the ice field with running skates, hockey sticks, pucks, sleds (other equipment), as well as without skates.
  • Stay on the ice field during the ice pouring.
  • Skating on the rink with backpacks and bags.
  • Go out on the ice field with a child in your arms. Leave children unattended.
  • Spoil the ice on the rink - chiseling or picking the ice with skates or other objects, as well as throwing any objects on the ice, pouring liquid and pouring any substances.
  • Bring pets to the rink.

6. When visiting persons under the age of majority

6.1. Entrance to the building of the UMMC Arena is carried out according to the lists of persons submitted in advance upon presentation of an identity document.

6.2 Children are allowed to enter the facility only when accompanied by a responsible person.

- training on the ice not earlier than 60 minutes before the start of the training session,
- training in the gym not earlier than 30 minutes before the start of training.
6.3 Persons accompanying children aged 7 years and older who are engaged in hockey and figure skating sections are not allowed to stay in the ice field area.
6.4 All belongings, including equipment and sports bags (bags), clothes, etc. must be placed in strictly designated places. (changing rooms)
6.5 To ensure safety, visitors are obliged to present their belongings for inspection at the entrance upon request of a representative of the security organization or the Administrator.
6.6 It is allowed to occupy the locker rooms:
- when renting an ice field 60 min. before the start of the training session
- when renting a dry training hall 30 min. before the start of the training session.
The locker rooms must be vacated within 30-40 minutes after the end of the training process.
6.7 It is forbidden:
- use sticks, pucks and other sports equipment outside the ice field;
- enter the ice field and stands outside the training process;
- enter the ice field and stands during the training process of other teams;
- leave things in the lobby;
- run, shout, place articles of clothing in the foyer of the UMMC Arena;
- go out on the ice before the start of the training session;
- write on the sports facility, locker rooms, toilets and other premises;
- litter and throw various objects;
- obstruct or hinder the movement in the areas intended for passage, as well as at the entrances and exits, including emergency exits.

7. The facility administration has the right to:
7.1 To demand compensation for material damage caused to the UMMC Arena by unlawful actions of the visitor.
7.2. To remove from the premises those who violate the present rules of behavior.
7.3. Deny the right to visit to the visitors who systematically violate the rules of the institution.
7.4 Visitors are obliged to familiarize themselves with these Rules of Conduct before visiting the facility. Staying at the facility confirms the fact of familiarization and consent of the Visitor with these Rules of Conduct.
7.5 If necessary and for the comfort of visitors, these rules may be supplemented and amended.